Mallard Lake Association

Annual Meeting Minutes 2023

Board Minutes, June 24, 2017

 Meeting was called to order by Dan Hoey at 9:15 AM.

We discussed the two open board position and tallied votes.

Garret Conover was voted in as Treasurer and will coordinate with Tim for transition to take place immediately.  The bank signatures and transition need to happen as soon as possible

We may consider a new bank to work with – Tim and Garret will discuss and make this decision

kara Kooken Sachs was voted in as Secretary – Koni will contact her and transition by end of August

Brian Hinke was offered up as a Director, but was not in attendance  so Dan Hoey will contact him to see if he will accept the position.

Tim Huer will stay involved and update/maintain the Website

Tim will get Koni the fund raising letter that was done a few years back about Fish sticks  - please do that asap so a flyer can be sent out

KoniKaye will send out a flyer about the Fishing Tournment – stressing registration and a notice about fundraising for fish stock program recommending $100 per resident – we will mention the website and encourage residents to use our website more.

Val will send out a letter about the picnic happening on August 19th and also mention the fishing tournament to encourage registration.

We agreed to have new signs made: No ATV’s in water – no beach, launch and un-launch only. We also liked the signs at North Sand – may do additional/new signs

At the general meeting:

Presentation by Craig Roberts from the DNR was well received.  Craig will send Koni the presentation and Tim will post it on the website along with some clips that Val did so sound will be in the background.

Tim gave an update on the financials

Signage was brought up again:

Dan will get the signs up at the landing and we NEED to order additional signs for discouraging bad behavior at the launch.

We NEED to get the current sign re-painted.  Val will try to find the persons name that did this before but if that cannot be done, we NEED to find someone else.  Dan said he would look into alternatives

Other requests from residents included posting septic system certification and sand point well shocking resources

The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM

Mallard Lake Association Meeting

Monday, May 16, 2016

In attendance: Mark Hunter, Dan Hoey, Valli Sauer, KoniKaye Jeschke, and Tim Heuer joined late

Treasury report: 36 members $800 dues. $3035.36 left in grant for fish sticks.

Tim was waiting on a couple more items to give a full report.

Fish Sticks: We have all approvals and paper work done to put two large and a small one near Dan and Mindy's and two on Rustadts property however due to the low level of ice this year, they need to wait either for next year or the next year the ice level will allow us to do so.  These three will cost $1200 out of the grant budget

Fish Stocking: It was agreed that we need to have a discussion  about either bait or stocking - need to begin developing a plan.  We agreed to discuss these at the board meeting on June 25th and then with the lake owners.  We will discuss this with the DNR (KoniKaye will take point to get the DNR at our meeting in June and she will discuss the DNR attending the June meeting on this subject as well as general presentation on overall conditions of lakes in the county specifically due to high water levels and potentially some information about new laws passed regarding lake shore improvements that were approved by the legislature this year). In addition, we will find out about the Fish Survey - talk to DNR about when they are going to do it-should be this summer.

Water Quality:  Dan Hoey - They did not send the test to correct address until just recently.

Dan just got the test in mail and will be doing the quality test this weekend.  Usually want to do it closer to Ice Out but we will go ahead since it is still early.

He will also be doing it again in the fall.  The last several tests have been fine.

Annual Meeting:

Dates:  June 25, 2016 was set as the meeting date.

              Directors meeting 9:30 - 10 

General meeting at 10:00 - 12:00 noon

Treasury Report

Water Quality Report

Update on Fish Sticks

Fish Stocking - Jerry

Elections - Mark will not run again this year - This year we vote on President, VP and 2 directors 

Mark Hunter to Past President role

Pres. Jerry would be on the ballot - anyone else

VP - Dan Hoey

2 Directors. -Keep communication open with several new potential members and tell them it is  not a huge time commitment and we will also approach Bruce and Gordy to see if they will re-up. KoniKaye is waiting for Dan to bring the binder over to her so she can clarify who the current board members are.

Guest Speaker:  DNR General Eco System and health of Burnett County Lakes (See above)

Reserving Fire Hall - Valli will coordinate it all and refreshments

Dues:  we voted to increase the yearly dues from $20 per year to $25  This will be communicated in the annual letter and we will let folks know that the increase is needed for things like - Lake Quality Testing  increased costs as well as some special projects to improve public landing/boat launch sign updating.

Annual Picnic

August 13, 2016 unless it conflicts with the Anderson Picnic

August 20, 2016 if we need to move it

Valli will  ask the Baumans and the Johnsons if they will host it.  Valli will confirm the date and communicate it to KoniKaye so we can include this in the annual letter

Meeting adjourned 

Minutes of the Board of Directors

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Time and Date June 14, 2015, Noon- 1:30 PM

Location Mark Hunter’s residence

Attendees Mark Hunter, President

Jerry Jeske, Vice President

Tim Heuer, Treasurer

Gordy Hesselroth, Past President

Dan Hoey, Director

Bruce Marx, Director

Valli Sauer, Director

Agenda- update

Annual meeting & picnic dates

Annual meeting and picnic prep- agenda, election, mailing, guest speaker, fire hall reservation, MLA dues

Confirm/adjust 2015 priorities- structure/habitat, bait fish/food, stocking

Updates- fish sticks, treasurers report, fish survey, stocking, By Laws

Other items

1. Set dates for annual meeting and picnic

a. No host identified

b. Picnic tentatively planned for August 15th depending on possible host’s schedule

c. Annual meeting on July 25th at the Jackson Town Hall at 10AM with Board Meeting at 9 AM

d. Agenda for annual meeting include re-election, guest speakers, treasury updates, water quality update, and fish sticks.

e. Guest speakers- Jerry Jeske will contact the Sheriff to speak

f. Tim Heuer will contact Dave Ferris and/or Paul Cook and ask them to be speakers.

g. Valli will reserve the fire hall

2. Water quality data was not available at the time of the meeting but was received the day after the meeting and will be presented at the annual meeting.  

3. Dues will stay the same at $20 per year

4. Dan, Mindy, Vallie, and Tim are up for reelection. Mindy is resigning. Jerry nominated Koni to run for secretary.  

5. Fish sticks status:

a. It was brought to the attention of the Board that some residents do not find the fish sticks visually appealing and are concerned they block the waterway for recreational activities.

b. Valli suggested that a map be created to identify the location of the fish sticks.  

6. Other items

a. Jerry Jeske volunteered to install the landing signs.

b. The board discussed the possibility of pulling weeds for identification to make sure they are not invasive.

c. The board discussed getting the boat landing sign repainted

Minutes of the Board of Directors

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Time and Date June 14, 2014

Location Jackson Town Hall 10 AM - Noon

Agenda- update

1. 2014/2015 Priorities - Mark

2. Review financials and membership renewal - Tim 

3. Fish sticks update - Tim 

4. Fishing - DNA feedback - bait fish and stocking - Jerry 

5. Water quality update – Dan 

6. By-Laws - Bruce 

7. Annual picnic planning - Val 

8. Election - Tim 

1. 2014/2015 Priorities -The lake association’s main priority is to improve fishing in the lake.

2. Tim Heuer provided a financial update.  The ledger was distributed and is included with the meeting minutes.  

3. Fish improvement initiatives, including Q & A with Dave Ferris:

a. 5 fish sticks were planned for the 2013/2014 winter.  They did not happen because of the deep snow.  The permits and still valid, so they are planned for next winter.  

b. The association is looking for volunteers to support fish sticks on their property.

c. Jim Rustad said he will put another on his property.

d. An attendee asked Dave Ferris, Burnett County Land and Water, how many fish sticks are appropriate.  He said there is not upper limit but he suggested at least 2 dozen.  

e. Per Dave Ferris, the fish sticks program has the potential to tremendously affect the fish population on the lake.  It is beneficial for overall lake quality.

f. There are no requirements for how deep the water must be in order for fish sticks to be beneficial.  

g. Tree drops are also beneficial.  If a tree falls on your property into the lake, leave it.  The shoreline, including what happens on land, has the most impact on overall lake quality. 

h. Fish stocking:  Dave Ferris stated that we need to create habitat along the shoreline, then stocking may not be necessary 

i. Mallard lake does not have appropriate habitat for walleye.   

4. Water quality update

a. The ceke disk showed 21 feet of water clarity, making the lake one of the clearest in the county.  A spring water sample was sent to Steven’s point and the results are pending.  The results will be published to the website.  

5. Bylaws

a. The board is looking for volunteers to work on updating the bylaws.  A subcommittee will be formed.  

6. Annual picnic:  Will be held at the Conover residence on August 16th.  Meat to grill and water will be provided by the association.  Attendees should bring a drink to share and any beverages other than water.  An email reminder will be sent out and posted to the website.  Those without emails will be sent a notice in the mail.  RSVP will be requested.  

7. Election:  

a. 15 people responded positively for the president, vice president, and director positions. 

i. President:  Mark Hunter through 2016

ii. VP:  Jerry Jeske through 2016

iii. Director:  Bruce Marx through 2016

b. There are two open director positions.  Write-ins included Jerry Hopkins, Dave Hogan, Chuck Geyer.  Tim will follow-up with them to see if they are interested.  

c. Positions that remain unchanged through 2015

i. Director:  Valli Sauer

ii. Director:  Dan Hoey

iii. Secretary:  Mindy Hoey

iv. Treasurer:  Tim Heuer

8. New Business

a. Shirley Hogan notified the group that Sand Lake Township is considering changing the ATV ordinance to allow ATVs on roads.  She encouraged everyone to send comments to Sand Lake township prior to their July 10th meeting.  Sand Lake Township Meeting:  Monday July 14th 7pm at Sand Lake Town Hall

9. Highlights from the Q & A with Dave Ferris, Burnett County Land and Water

a. We learned how what you do to your property affects lake water clarity.  A handout on impervious surfaces and how they impact your property values were distributed.  Mindy has extra and can provide them to anyone who is interested.  Hard surfaces bring phosphorus in the lake, cause the water clarity to go down, and make fishing worse.  The county will provide funding to individuals who are interested in fixing their shoreline.  

b. Any vegetation at shoreline is good.  The more wildlife you bring near the shore, the more fishing you will have.  

c. There are some plants on mallard that are very rare, only around here, and only come up when the water goes down.  Don’t pull them.

d. Since groundwater is all that is feeding Mallard Lake, what we do around the lake affects the lake for a long time.

e. It is required that you keep the first 35 feet of your shoreline natural.  Even though it is a requirement, the county will pay you $50 a year if you commit to this.  However, even if you don’t commit to it and request he $50, you are still mandated to follow the requirement.   

 Minutes of the

Mallard Lake Association Annual Meeting

Jackson Township Fire Hall

June 15, 2013

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Location: Jackson Town Hall

Presiding: Mark Hunter, President

Speaker: Paul Cook, Conservationist

Date: June 15, 2013; 10:00 AM

President Mark Hunter opened the annual meeting by introducing Paul Cook who has been working with our Fish Sticks program. Paul had an informative presentation documenting through photography the creation of our Fish Sticks from winter through spring. We have five sites, two on county land and three on private property. It was asked how many sites are desirable and Paul responded, “As many as we can have.” We are the first lake to participate in this State-subsidized program in Burnett County. The installment of these Fish Sticks will help habitat and the lake.

After a refreshment break, the meeting resumed at 11:30 AM. Mark discussed how the board had prioritized initiatives for 2012-2013. The number one priority was the Fish Sticks program and working with Paul Cook towards Phase II. At least ten sites are the goal.

The second priority is bait fish. After creating structure and having food source or bait fish, we can achieve the green light for stocking. Wendell Jamison, DNR Fishery Spooner suggested 5-15 fish per acre at $2-$5 per fish. A stocking program would cost $2,400-$7,200. We may be getting a Fish Survey to establish a base line on our fish population.

Gordy Hesselroth addressed the boat landing concerns. The county has no money for improvements. Gordy was told that it would not be a good idea to pull out the concrete slab at the landing due to erosion.

Our treasurer, Tim Heuer, gave the association’s financial report. In 2012, we had 31 members generating $ 845 in dues. To date, 2013 has 32 members from 42 properties with $790 received thus far for dues. A $100 Fish Stick donation was also received. The current association balance is $ 2,649.24. The balance for the Fish Sticks program is $3,864. Copies of the treasurer’s report were made available. A $1,148 re-reimbursement was received from the State for the Fish Sticks grant. 

New Business: No new business was entertained from the floor. 

The results of this year’s elections were: 

Secretary—Mindy Hoey (volunteer); 

Treasurer—Tim Heuer


Bruce Marx

Kelly Ries, 

Valli Sauer, 

Dan Hoey. 

All terms will end June, 2015. 

Jim Dahl reported on the water quality results and on-going water testing. The lake measured 18’ visibility, which is good for this time of year. Dan Hoey will take over Jim’s testing of the lake. We wish to thank Jim for his fifteen years of dedication in monitoring the health of Mallard Lake. Property values equate to water quality. Our readings of 17’-21’ are fabulous. Property values decrease $50-70 per foot for every 3’ loss of lake clarity.

FYI--Fish Sticks--What Happens:

Red Pines or Norway’s are used as they are denser and will last longer. The trees are taken from the county forest. Branches are left on and the whole tree is dragged onto the lake and anchored to trees on shore by steel cables. Several trees are needed to build “structure” or a “condo” for the fish. This allows different species to inhabit different areas within the structure. These structures provide habitat for everything—all organisms for the entire food chain of the lake—while fish cribs only serve large game fish and attract fisherman.

Burnett County is cost sharing 70% of the project. On a second phase, they will cost share again and we will obtain a grant for another two to three years. We can start phase two, locating sites and getting approvals. Ideally, we should have ten to fifteen sites to create the fish structure desired.

The fish sticks will not decrease our water quality and will help to keep the lake in balance. It will provide habitat to help our fish population.

Informative Reminder: Oak Wilt is now present in Burnett County. Do not cut oak until August or September.

The annual lake picnic will be held on August 10th at Tim & Kelly Heuer and Mike & Barb Brunner's cabin

The 2013 Annual Meeting was adjourned at 12:00, Noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Valli Sauer



Minutes of the

Board of Directors

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Location: Perkins Restaurant, Arden Hills, MN

Presiding: Gordy Hesselroth, Pres.

Date: April 1, 2012; 7:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Gordy Hesselroth. Those present included Tim Heuer (Treasurer), Jim Dahl, Mark Hunter (Vice President), David Hogan, Vickie Iliffe, Jim Rustad, and Valli Sauer (Secretary). Absent: Bruce Marx and Kelly Ries. Vistors were Libby Keefe and Ted Sauer.


1. Treasurer’s report:

A. Tim provided a listing of the association’s balances and expenses since 2010. The current association balance is $ 1,475.90 and Fish Sticks donations have totaled $3,840 to date.

B. Fish Sticks: The original estimated cost was $ 1,500. Actual cost could be as low as $ 800. Our lake population donated $ 3,840. Final permits were not approved until March 12th. The ice was not felt to be safe, so we could not proceed. The permits are valid until 2015. The project will resume next winter.

**Jim Dahl made a motion that all money’s collected for this purpose be dedicated to supporting and promoting the fish habitat and population on our lake. The motion was seconded and carried 100%.

C. There was discussion on increasing dues this year. However, it was felt that, even though dues have remained the same since 1999, an increase should not be made until next year. Dues will remain $20 for 2012-2013.

2. Fish Stocking: Mark Hunter:

Mark Hunter spoke with Wendall Jamison of the DNR. Sand Lake will have a fish survey next year. Mark is talking with them to try to do a survey of Mallard Lake at the same time as Sand Lake. Otherwise, it will not be done until 2017. To consider stocking, we need to develop habitat, promote “food” (bait fish) and then stock. It does not sound like “bait fish” is the way to go. The DNR would support a walleye-stocking program. Two inch walleye in the past has been unsuccessful. Would support 5-7” fish at $4 ea. This cost would be $ 600-$ 1,800 per stocking. We would need to commit to stocking every other year. The DNR would not share this cost. It was stated that it would appear that we would need some sort of bait fish put in before it was stocked with walleye.

3. Miscellaneous and New Business:

A. Annual Meeting: Saturday, June 9, 2012

Place: Jackson Town Hall

Time: 8:30-9:00 AM—Set Up9:00-10:00 AM—Board Meeting

10:00-11:30 AM—General Meeting

End by 12:30 PM

**Refreshments: Val Sauer**Speaker: Paul Cook, Conservation Specialist

B. Elections & Ballots:

Most important position open:

**Vice President/Chairman elect

**Directors: Two positions are open. Jerry Jeschke has agreed to be a

director. Valli will contact Brian Henke and Don Lundgren for possible

interest. Ballots and the request for annual dues will be sent out with the

annual meeting announcement. Ballots and dues to be returned to the


C. Flood Plain Donation: $1,275

D. Tax Free Status: Examining status; will review and communicate if necessary.

E. Mallard Lake Property Owner’s List: Tim will update.

The meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Valli Sauer




Minutes of the

Board of Directors

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Location: Jerry & Julie Hopkins’

Presiding: Gordy Hesselroth, Pres.

Date: August 13, 2011; 2:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by President Gordy Hesselroth. Those present included Tim Heuer, Jim Rustad, Jim Dahl, Dave Hogan, Bruce Marx, Vicky Iliffe, Mark Hunter and Valli Sauer. Visitors were Steve Wincek and Jerry Hopkins, our host.


1. Treasurer’s report:

**Tim shared the financial report. Our current treasury is at $ 1,679.78

**Tax exempt status: Tim took over as treasurer in 2007. That year, the IRS changed the way they do non-profit status. Forms must not be completed on a yearly basis. Due to the change in the treasurer’s office our forms were not filed causing our tax exempt status to be revoke. To re-file will cost $ 100. It was suggested to talk with Shirley Hogan and Sue Marx regarding the ramnification of having out tax exempt status remain in-tack.

**Reactions to the website. A discussion of what to post on the website took place. A copy of the map and possible list of referrals was suggested. There was a motion to post the website “as is”; it was seconded. All in favor.

**Updated list of members was distributed.

2. Secretary’s report:

**Past minutes were distributed. A motion was made to accept the minutes; it was seconded and passed.

**A motion was made to have a stamped, addressed envelop sent out with the membership dues request and ballots, and that it be returned to the treasurer. Motion was seconded and passed.

3. Project Status:

Fishing Task ForceDave Farris (Director) and Paul Cook (Specialist County Conservationist) toured the lake. We were looking for guidance for the Fish Sticks Program. It would involve four or five areas, three to five trees. They would be on the north end of the lake, north of Jim Rustad and two by the boat landing. Live trees (pines; oak and birch are okay) are dropped. The cost is $ 3,000 per fish sticks spot. With funding, it would be $ 1,000 with the county paying 75%. This could mean that our expense might be as low as $ 250 per spot multiplied by four or five. We would need to appeal to our membership for funding.

Tree Drop ProgramThis would be an okay alternative. One tree can be dropped every 50 feet. However, they must be anchored with a 3/8” wrapped cable. The Fish Sticks have been more effective in other areas. B. Three Lake Connection:

Mark Hunter talked about the possibility of connecting the lakes as they once were. The Green Lake Association were need to be approach to see if there is support to this idea. Costs and process would need to be investigated.

4. New Items:

A. By-laws: Tim suggested that the by-laws be posted on the website. Jim Rustad made a motion. It was seconded and passedB. Meeting Notices:

Move responsibility to secretary. Proposed change for 2012.

C. Voter Identification: Gordy recommended that each property identify their voter.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 in order to attend the Annual Picnic.

Respectfully submitted,

Valli Sauer



Minutes of the

Annual Meeting

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin


Location: Jackson Town Hall

Presiding: Gordy Hesselroth. Pres.

Speaker: Craig Conroy, Assistant Zoning Administrator for Burnett County

Land Zoning Office, Burnett County

Date: June 11,2010; 10:00 AM

President Gordy Hesselroth opened the annual meeting by introducing current board members and welcoming newly elected directors. The results of this year's elections were: Secretary-Valli Sauer; Treasurer-Tim Heuer; and Directors-Jim Dahl. Kelly Ries, Vicky lIiffe and David Hogan. Kelly and Vicky are new to our board while Jim and David have previously been directors. All terms will end June, 2013. Mike Hunter was confirmed as our Vice President, a position that had been vacant since June, 2010. This position will be open for re -election in June of 2012.


Copies of the 20I0 minutes were passed for review and were accepted. It was felt that mailing out addressed and stamped envelopes helped to increase the response to both the election of officers and the submission of annual dues.


The annual picnic will be held the second Saturday in August-August 13th. The location and time is yet to be determined. Look for a picnic flyer in July.


Our treasurer, Tim Heuer, gave the financial report. Currently we have seven new association members totaling twenty-three of the forty-two lake properties. It is hoped that additional dues will be received as the summer progresses. Tim shared the financial reports for each year since he became treasurer - 2007 though 20 I I. Our current treasury balance is $ 1,550.36.

Eighteen residences participated in the donation to help support the North Sand Lake Association with the Flood Plain Study. The total contribution of $ 1,250 from Mallard Lake property owners exceeded our goal!

Tim has worked hard to create the new Mallard Lake website:

It is hoped that the website will eventually replace our handbook. The server is Yola and the five year cost is $ 174.50.

Mark Hunter reported on the possibility of stocking our lake by the DNR. Currently they will not do this. To improve fishing in our lake, we need three phases: add structure, then food for larger fish such as minnows, and then stock. We need to improve the fish habitat through structure such as fallen trees in the waters, cribs, and more natural shoreline. Dave Farris can be contacted for recommendations. The next DNR fish survey for Mallard Lake will be in 2016.

The topic of connecting the three lakes, North Sand, Green, and Mallard Lake, was also presented by Mark Hunter. He has been in contact with the DN R and they are somewhat interested in the possibility. These three lakes were connected naturally before the roads were put in during the I 930-4O's and connecting them would create better fish habitat. This project would be a five to ten year under-taking with all three lake associations working together with the DNR.

Jim Dahl reported on the water quality test results. Our water quality continues to remain very good. Chemical test results from fall 2010 show no change and our clarity this spring (201I) was at 17 feet.

A committee will examine the by-laws during July to check to see if the association and the directors are doing what the by-laws state. Mark, David, Gordy and Jim will look into this. The Mallard Lake booklets require some up-dates as well.

Ted Sauer introduced our guest speaker Craig Conroy. Craig is the Assistant Zoning Administrator for Burnett County. Craig has been actively involved with the North Sand Lake Association and the Flood Plane Study. It was discovered that, even though Mallard Lake and Green Lake were included in the Flood Plan Study, only North Sand Lake was submitted for approval with the DNR. To rectify this, a permit needed to be submitted by a lake property owner. If that permit was rejected, the request could then be sent to the DNR to have our lakes included with North Sand Lake. Ted Sauer submitted a request for an addition to his property on Willie Road. The permit was rejected, which has allowed Mr. Conroy to initiate the inclusion of Mallard Lake with North Sand Lake. Someone on Green Lake will need to do the same for the change to be made for Green Lake. Mr. Conroy explained the process and answered questions. Once included, residents of Mallard Lake, who are paying flood insurance, may be able to recover one to two years of premiums for flood insurance and have rejected permit requests approved.

The annual meeting was adjourned at 12:00, noon. Members had refreshments, spoke with Mr. Conroy, and vi sited with neighbors until 12:30.

Respectfully submitted,                                            Valli K. Sauer Secretary


Minutes of the

Board of Directors

Mallard Lake Association

Webster, Wisconsin

Location: Perkins Restaurant, Arden Hills, MN

Presiding: Gordy Hesselroth, Pres.

Date: April 28, 2011; 7:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Gordy Hesselroth. Those present included Tim Heuer, Treasurer; Jim Dahl , Mark Hunter, David Hogan, Bruce Marx and Valli Sauer, Acting Secretary. Absent: Jim Rustad


1. Treasurer's report:

Tim provided a listing of the association’s balances and expenses since 2007. The current association balance is $ 1,484.86.

Donations received for NSLA--$ 1,225. Seventeen families helped in achieving our initial goal! This gift will be presented next week to the NSLA treasurer and announced at their annual meeting.

Dues will remain $20 for 2011 -2012.

2. New Business:

Annual Meeting:

Saturday, June 12, 2011

Place: Jackson Town Hall

Time: 8:30-9:00 AM- Set Up

9:00- 10:00 AM - Board Meeting

10:00- 11:30 AM- General Meeting

End by 12:30 PM

Refreshments: Val Sauer & Patrice Dahl

Speaker: Craig Conroy regarding the Flood Plain information

Elections & Ballots:

Suggestion to send stamped, addressed envelopes with ballots was approved.

Vice President/Chairman elect: Mark Hunter

Directors: David Hogan, Phil Bauman, Kelly Ries, Vicky Iliffe

Lake Resident Directory:

Send address up-dates to Jim Dahl.Add e-mail addresses to roster.

Jim Dahl will up-date Lake Directory.

Flood Plain Study:

Ted Sauer shared information that he discovered about the flood plain study. Somehow, Mallard Lake and Green Lake have not yet been included with the DNR. even though the study does include all three lakes. Ted will be trying to solve this and will share the results by the annual meeting.

Northwestern Wisconsin Lakes Convention:

Mark Hunter made a motion to reimburse this year's registration for (2) members to attend the northwestern Wisconsin Lakes Convention. David Hogan seconded. There was discussion and all voted in favor.

Connecting the Lakes Project:

A thought about re-connecting Mallard Lake, Sand Lake and Green Lake was discussed. Mark Hunter had begun investigating what it would take. It would involve the DNR, All Lake Property Owners, Lake Zoning, The Army Corp of Engineers, Burnett County and a private engineering firm. The idea has definite appeal, but it would be a long range project and involve all three lake populations.


Tim Heuer made a motion to create a Mallard Lake Association website. The motion was seconded by Bruce Marx. Discussion followed. All were in favor. Motion passed. Tim will pursue.


Review for up-dating; to be discussed at our next meeting.


Plan some type of social with Green Lake and Sand Lake Associations.

Update Mallard Lake Booklets:

This needs to be done

Annual Picnic:

August 13th Saturday, around 3:00-4:00. Where? Hopkins'?


3. Old Business:

Water Quality:

Jim Dahl shared the most recent results of our water quality; he just received the fall study results. The lake has stayed at the same level of clarity. The association pays for the less expensive study. The spring kit just arrived and we should receive those results by the June meeting.

Fish Stocking-Mark Hunter:

Mark spoke with Robert Langer. To promote walleye, we need to bring in cribs or lake structures. A permit needs to be pulled to drop live trees for a crib. Consult with DNR Dave Ferris. We also should be putting minnows in the lake to feed fish. Fat Heads cost I cent each.

The Plan: Structure First; then minnows; then stock.


Walleyes        $3 x 500 = $ 1,500-3 ,000 small

                        $6 x 500 = $ 3,000-6,000 larger

How this cost would be shared or covered. The DNR will not participate in cost. When Mark asked about getting a fish survey, he was told that Mallard Lake was on the schedule for 2016.


Boating Landing Signage:  

Idea to move sign to south side-will investigate.

Thanks to .Jim & Kay for hosting the mid-winter gathering.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                            Valli Sauer, Acting Secretary